Medium Multigen Goldendoodles
Millie & Jake

Pregnancy Confirmed

Due Date: April 17
Gotcha Day: June 14


1. Female Breeder Pick
2. Male Breeder Pick (Guardian Spot Available)
3. Pending
4. Open, $3,500
5. Open, $3,500
6. Open, $3,500
7. Open, $3,500
8. Open, $3,500
9. Open, $3,500
10. Open, $3,500
11. Open, $3,500
12. Open, $3,500

35-55lbs (Millie’s males can be very big)

Apricot and Red, some Abstract
All wavy
All Furnished: Low shedding,
For breeders: all ee kyky BB/Bb FF

Jake is owned by Ashley De Lisle and is an 35 lb Multigen Red Goldendoodle, and fully health tested.

Millie is an
Elsa x Gustav pup and is 39lbs, apricot, 20% golden, fully furnished (lowest shedding possible), fully health tested, and has one of our absolute best temperaments in the program. Click below for all of Millie’s info and past puppies.

Check out my ‘How to Prepare for Puppy Gotcha Day’ blog and my Amazon Storefront to help you prep to bring home your new furbaby!